Invest in Fitila Signatures through short-term real estate debt that yield high returns.

Short-term, high-yield real estate debt investments accessible to all.
Earn a 25% annual interest.
Collateralized by Fitila Signature(Mixed use Land Project)
SquareMetres take priority in payback over underlying common equity.
Fitila Signatures consistently generate higher risk-adjusted returns compared to other property types.
Competitive return of 20bps plus Inflation
$5k min investment & quarterly distributions.
Also can be a roadmap to Property Acquisition, own it in fractions.

Make an investment

Investment Terms
  • Interest : 25%
  • Payment : Annually
  • Terms : 12 Months
  • Min Investment : ₦50,000
  • Holding Period : 12 Months
min : ₦50,000


  • You’re set to be a part of the biggest co-ownership initiative in Nigeria, with a profit-sharing initiative powered by driving real estate development for its investors.

  • The initiative is based on funding developments & early project delivery thereby guaranteeing an incredible opportunity to get an ROI of up to 30% in 12 months. This opportunity outperforms treasury bills, Bonds and stocks combined.

    Reasons to Invest

    As a limited time offer with limited slots available, invest and enjoy these exclusive benefits as we join hands to elevate the real estate experience of the common man

    Steady Cash Flow

    SquareMetres offer provides an opportunity for anyone to increase their passive income, regardless of their financial background or means. It allows individuals to dip their toes in the real estate investment pool.
    Minimum Investment

    Our offerings provide an attractive investment opportunity with high yield returns and minimal start-up costs. With just ₦50,000, you can invest in real estate assets, ensuring a secure investment.
    Payback Priority

    Our investment options provide superior payback priority over common equity property owners. The objective of Square Metres is to offer investors a reliable and risk-adjusted income stream with capital protection.
    return on investment
    Ownership Option

    Accumulate to own, A roadmap to Property Acquisition, own it in fractions. We encourage fractional ownership which allows you to invest at your own pace conveniently.
    Connect with us
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    or design bespoke solutions
    to meet your investment needs

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